Cisco Blogs / Roopak Patel
Roopak Patel

Product Management Leadership
Enterprise Networking
Roopak Patel has been working in the IT industry for over ten years and more specifically focused on delivering security and networking solutions to global enterprises. He has held various product management leadership roles over this span and has expertise in multiple domains including security monitoring including advanced malware detection, application performance management, networking deployment and optimization, big data platforms and analytics and user behavior monitoring. Prior to his work in the industry, Roopak was a naval officer in the US Navy submarine force.
Currently, he is leading the efforts to utilize analytics more effectively to drive efficient network operations as to provide business insights from network telemetry.
How do you turn data into insights and actions?
Market disruptions don’t occur every day or even in all industries. However, when they occur, for the most part, they end up vastly improving the experience or product that consumers benefit from. Nothing exemplifies this transformation more than the ride sharing market. Several large upstarts have…